This is what she wrote:
The rule to the e-mail (?) was that, once you have been hit, you have to hit 5 pretty Moms, including the one who thought of you today & sent it to you. The idea is that if you get hit again, You will know you are really pretty!
So I thought lets just turn this into a tag instead. But that “hit” part won’t work very well in a tag. So instead of giving a “hit” to the one who tag you, you add your name at the bottom of the tagged persons list, and without bumping the person at the top or bumping anyone off and let the list grow.
Hit 5 pretty moms on your list to let them know they are pretty!
So, I guess it's what you'd like to share about how life was before you became a mom. I just did the same amount on the list as Janice, and I increased the amount of pretty moms likewise. Have fun ladies!
Before I was a mum;I dreamt of having twins. Seriously!
Before I was a mum;
Cooked up a storm and threw parties every weekend in the summer.
Before I was a mum;
I traveled around the world, slept late and my dogs slept on my bed.
Before I was a mum;
I didn't know how tough being a MOM would be!
Before I was a mum;
I didn't think it was possible to love anyone/anything so intensely that my heart aches.
Before I was a mum,
I didn't know that I would appreciate Mothers so much till I became one.
The first chain of tag:
1. Lovelymummy
2. Pek Imm
3. Momisodes
4. Ling that’s me
5. Janicepa
6. AnnieQ
7. Allthingspurple
8. Montessorimum
9. clumsy mommy
10. Sandra
11. KittyCat
12. VivianZ
13. Sweetpea
14. Sasha
15. Giddy Tiger
16. Wen
17. Jo-N
18. Janice Ng
19. BlurTing
19. ViEmwk
I would like to tag the following pretty moms :
Singairishgirl, Little Corner of Mine, Cooking Momster, Beau Lotus, Judy, and Alice
Will do this later k. I got two tagged in front of this! 0.0
Hey C,
Wah! So luck-koo! Hehe! Take your time gf!
Eh...I'll have to re-read your post a few times before I'll be able to do it. So far only caught part of the ball...
Hi Beau Lotus,
Sorry for the confusion. Will highlight Janice's part, and add more clues. Hope I did the tag correctly too. :)
Hi Vi, you have done it correctly.
You know, I dreamt of having twins too. Best is a gal & a boy... but.... my dream did not came true... haha...
I will add your name to my list.
Gong Xi Fa Cai to you :)
I just realized that your chain of tag names are not in hyperlink form? One of the purpose for the tag is to create link backs to increase ranking. ;)
Hi Janice,
Awww! But you have 2 handsome princes over there!
Made the changes, and thanks for the tip! ;)
Thanks for the tag. Will do it later.
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