Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th!

According to a write up on Washington Post, even though today is Independence Day, did you know that only two people actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th? They were John Hancock (excuse me: JOHN HANCOCK) and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later. Something to talk about during the BBQ, picnic, or wherever you'll be today...

Though is not the regular long week-end holiday, today is the time for friends and family to get together in the summer heat for BBQ, ice-cold beverages, and catch up on the latest news and gossips before heading out to see the local fireworks display! Time for another fun-filled chow-down! Happy 4th to everyone as I devour another mushroom cheeseburger from the grill!


Anonymous said...

That looks like a mushroom double cheesburger to me. Happy 4th to you and family!

Anonymous said...

Let us be grateful for our troops out there fighting for our independance on this day.

WokandSpoon said...

Happy 4th of July. Hope you had a nice day!

Dina said...

Yummy, your photos look lovely and I bet they taste so too. Interesting information about the 4th, I'll refer this to my american friends.

Can I ask how do you put the name of the blog on the photos please? I have been trying and can't seem to find from where!!

isabella said...

hi v
nice burger over there. hapy independence day.

East Meets West Kitchen said...

Thanks San.y!

Anon, I AM thankful and pray for our troops everyday.

Thanks Wokandspoon!

Thanks Dina! About the photos, I used Photoshop. If you need further assistance, email me and I'll do my best to help. :)

Thanks Isabella!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of fried chives with sea-ham and tau geh.
I can imagine this omelette tastes really delicious. Chives are hard to get here. Is it similar in taste to the 'ku-chye' in Malaysia?

wonda said...

I'll just have the corn and forego the mushroom cheeseburger. The pointer in my bathroom scale shot up 3 kg! Summer makes me put on weight fast.

East Meets West Kitchen said...

Hi Judy,
Ku chye is very similiar and wikipedia said it's the same thing. Tau geh and sea-hum sounds good with it too! :)

Hi Wonda,
LOL! You are so funny! Me too. Must make more salads soon! :)