So the result is a make-shift not-so-green papaya salad with lime juice, a touch of sugar, some finely sliced red peppers and a dash of cayenne pepper. Used a honey dressing with it.
Honey Dressing:
1 c organic honey
1/16 tsp of minced garlic
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp. salt
juice from 1 fresh lime
Put everything in the blender, taste and add seasonings to your liking, and serve chilled.

mmm...yummy. My mom used to make papaya with coconut milk gravy.
Refreshing salad!!
I love this new picture of your girls, so cute! It's good that they don't try to pull the bands off yet.
Hi Cooking Ninja,
Your mom's papaya with coconut milk gravy sounds yummy!
Thanks C!
Hmmm such a colourful dish which always make me crave for more, more and more......
I heard that green papaya can be used in soups too. Papayas are soooo expensive here in CA. :(
Love the new photo of your girls. Their pose look so natural and their sunglasses make them look so cool.
A great recipe for green papayas.
Thanks Big Boys Oven!
That sounds interesting. And yes, it's spendy here too!
Thanks Lee Ping!
Unfortunately my mom hasn't cooked that for ages and now she don't remember the recipe anymore. She learned it from my grandmother.
Cooking Ninja,
I am curious. Does your mom's recipe has fish, peppercorns and ginger in it?
Your girls look adorable.
You know, I find it hard to get green papaya here. As I noticed in your photo, though the papayas look green but when you peel them, the inside is still orangey. I wonder why.
Hi J,
Thanks! Yes, I was pondering on that with a friend, and she mentioned that it could be a different type of papaya. The flesh was still somewhat crunchy though...
i've never tried green papaya salad before! Good to know that it's slightly sweet and not sour!
The dressing sounds lovely.
Hi wokandspoon,
The green papaya I had before was tart and crunchy. This papaya that I bought was not that way. Think it's a soon-to-be ripe papaya in green disguise! :)
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