If I left it to dear Hubs as to what to make for dinner, the answer will inevitably by steaks, cheeseburgers, brats on the grill and corn on the cob. And now that the hot days of summer are here, it makes baking, cooking or working in the kitchen a little less appealing. Especially when there are swimming, playgroups and lots of trips to the 'play park' as the kids call it.
Made this simple nonya salad dish from Auntie Stella to go with bbq tonight, and the crunchy texture of the veggies and the toasted peanuts really add to the meal. She had always estimated quantities with her cooking, and whenever I asked for a recipe, her response has always been 'just go by taste!' So, that's what I did, at the very end...
Ingredients from the farmers market:
1 Cucumber
1 red pepper
1/2 a fresh Pineapple
fresh red chillies
1 green pepper
1 yellow pepper
Ingredients from the pantry
about 2 tbs cider vinegar
1 tbs sugar
salt and pepper to taste
Homemade chili sambal or sambal oelek
1 tsp lime juice
toasted peanuts to garnish
Ingredients from the asian market
firm style tofu
shrimp paste - ommited
dried prawns, pounded and toasted

Dice up the fresh veggies and pineapple. Place in bowl. Right before serving, add chili sambal, lime juice, vinegar, sugar and seasonings and mix well. Taste and adjust accordingly. Like most parents with young kids, I served the sambal and toasted chopped peanuts on the side this time. Serve immediately.
Sambal oelek is the key to it being nyonya, isn't it ? You can next try gado gado for summer cooking :)
Looks nice, and a good dish for hot days. - san.y
A very refreshing salad to go with bbq. Wow, I am thinking rojak sauce as well with this....do you think it will go well? Slurp!
I like how you arranged the salad and made it looked like a pineapple, very "swee" leh!
My mum does that too. whenever I ask her how she makes a particular dish, she just says that she "agak-agak's" and goes by taste! The nonya salad looks lovely - so colourful!
oh! yummy yummmy yummmmmy.... & yet so refreshing and attractive salad with a twist!
Hi Tigerfish,
You must be a mind reader! :)
Thanks San.y!
Hi J,
Rojak sauce sounds great!
Thanks C, Wokandspoon, and Big Boys Oven! :)
You shaped your salad like a pineapple! Even a carnivore like me would enjoy this salad. And what a hip square platter you got there...
Hi Lee Ping,
Thanks for your observation and your kind words! :)
That sounds like what my hubby would do too!! He also loves his grill!! : ) Ur salad looks really good!
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