Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tomatoes with Feta and Chives

There are several of vegetables that signifies summer, especially in a temperate climate area where I live, and tomatoes fall in that category for me. And now with summer quickly slipping away, my last harvest of garden tomatoes will soon be a memory. I have a few smaller tomatoes left, and decided to make this quick and lovely dish that's also otherwise known as stuffed tomatoes.

6 med sized tomatoes, halfed
4-6 oz feta cheese
2 wholewheat bread, toasted and grind in food processor
2 tbs finely chopped chives
1 tbs finely chopped onions
3 tbs olive oil
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Set oven at 350F
Scoop pulp from tomatoes (I used the seeds and pulp in a soup dish). Mix ingredients from feta cheese to pepper, and spoon into tomatoes. Place in a baking dish.

Bake for 10-15 mins. Serve.

Recipe adpated from Southern Living magazine.


Lia said...

hmmmm beautifu. i'd like to have some :D

Wandering Chopsticks said...

Oh! This reminds me of the stuffed tomatoes my mom used to make when I was little. Except she stuffed them with pork and other Vietnamese things.

Anh said...

I love stuffed tomatoes! And teaming them with feta is a good idea.

daphne said...

oh that looks great. Love the colors and it sure looks yummy as well. A healthy and delicious dish-what more can you ask for? =)

Indonesia Eats said...

ahhhh they look so yummy

ioyces said...

looks yummy and very healthy!

Anonymous said...

Hi, first, I must say you have two very sweet girls. =) And your blog keep me gluing to the page. I was looking through your entries all the way to Feb this year.

Would love to try a few of your recipes. =)

East Meets West Kitchen said...

Hi Lia,
OK! :D

Hi Wandering Chopsticks,
Hehe! I was tempted to stuff it with meat too, but Hubs wanted feta cheese. :)

Hi Anh,

Hi Daphne,
And I got the kids to eat it too! :)

Hi Andaliman,
Hehe! They were!

Hi Ioyces,

Hi Jacelyn,
Thanks for visiting! Would love for you to try the recipes and hear what you think. :D

TBC said...

I like this! It looks very good & I can imagine what it must taste like:-)

Nora B. said...

This looks delicious! I wish I had a tomato plant. I eat so much tomatoes.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks so good! Maybe next time I should try your western meal. ;P

East Meets West Kitchen said...

Hi Tbc,
Thanks! It was good!

Hi Nora B,
Ooo! It's so easy, and you can plant it in a pot outdoors for summer and enjoy them!

Hey C,
Yes, yes!

Padma said...

I love baked stuffed tomatoes over bell peppers....this looks so inviting and I love feta....

East Meets West Kitchen said...

Hi Padma,
It was a great combination. :)

Big Boys Oven said...

We wish that we can taste your harvest........ (as you know we can do miracle meals)!!!!

East Meets West Kitchen said...

Hi Big Boys Oven,
Miracle Meals indeed! :)