What a weekend! Called mom long-distance, had my in-laws over for the weekend, and celebrated Mother's Day last Saturday with some great motherly friends. Or was it friendly mothers? It was a fun group with Pam and Paul, Pat, Roberto, Rob, Kelsey, Nathan and MIL helped me prepared a simple meal of BBQ burgers and brats with lots of side salads to go with them. I was busy with the kids, and Pam helped entertain them on the swings for awhile too. Thanks Pam! Wished I had more friends over, but some couldn't make this time.

As for Hubs previous
comment, he did make it up with flowers, gifts and cards. Thank heaven! I had flowers from Hubs, Rob and Roberto (thanks guys!) and some fun baking stuff and a heart shaped waffle maker from Hubs. There is one other gift which I will not elaborate upon at this point. Also received a very sweet card from MIL. All's well that end's well...
Your husband is so funny... what great stuff you got! Have a great week!
Wow, lucky devil you. ;P
Oh!! what a nice gifts you have there!!.Happy Mother Day to you:)
Wow, how sweet of your hub to give you a heart shaped waffle maker. Hope I am not too late to wish you a happy belated mother's day.
Very nice of your hubby leh buying baking stuff for you. My hub won't even know what to get! However, he did surprise me with a mother's day gift this year (not baking related)!
Happy Belated Mother's Day GF!
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