With the change of weather to cooler, windy days, I was looking for a quick fix for my skin and came across a Banana Moon Facial Mask at Green Living. Decided to give it a try as all the ingredients sound interesting. You can get the oils from Wholefoods or Vitamin Cottage.
Coincidentally, since they started preschool, my kiddos have been hovering around me every minute and didn't want to be more than 3 feet from me.
Today, they saw me smashing a banana with the other ingredients and one exclaimed "Food!"
So I gave them each a banana.
After that, they followed me to the mirror by the sink, and when I applied the mask on, the other one shouted "Mommy! Your Face!"
And then they both screamed "FOOD FACE!" and laughed.
My eyes were filled with tears of laughter, and I thought "Why did I teach them words?"
Recipe from Donna Maria and green living.
1 large banana, just ripe
2 tbs honey
1 egg yolk
1 tsp wheat germ oil(used almond oil instead)
1 tablespoon finely powdered oats
1 tsp lemon juice
2 drops rose oil
Peel and mash banana. Add honey, egg yolk, oil, oats, and lemon juice, if used, and mash further to form a smooth, creamy paste.
If mask is too thick, add a bit of distilled water, and stir until smooth.
Add essential oils last, and stir to mix well.
To use, apply to clean face and neck, avoiding eye and mouth areas. Rest for 10 minutes, or longer if your skin is very dry. Rinse with warm water, and follow with toner and moisturizer, if desired. Use mask within a few hours of making. And no matter how tempted you are, don't eat the mask.
Note: I think it worked for me though Hubs hardly noticed. It may work for you. Remember to test on wrist first in case of allergic reactions.
Remember not to use with toddlers present, and try not to laugh with the mask on. Just laugh inside. Try it.
OMG! Beauty tips..... you had remind me to do my mask tonite!....lol
Awww, cute story. I like to use a mask of egg white to help keep my skin toned.
Aye, aye, I say, this recipe can be food if I just add some hot milk or water. Haha!
so cute!
Food Face!!!
Hi Big Boys Oven,
Try the banana mask! :)
Hi Kelly,
I love the egg white mask too!
Hi Alice,
Haha! It's good for the tummy and the face!
Hi Jaden,
Hey! Don't you mean PROSPERITY face in Cantonese? haha!
Hi there you have a great blog,lovely recipes. Feel free to visit my blog too :)
Jeena xx
Click Here For Food Recipes
Oh gf, I would love to see your food face! LOL!
Do you keep a journal of funny things they say? I mean, besides the blog :-)
Hey Food Face! I bet you looked good in your banana mask :)
hehhe.. things children say!! Anything natural on our faces-that ought to be good!
Hi East,thankyou so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. I think your blog is great I would love to exchange links with you, I have already added your link to my blog :) could you add me to yours? Can't wait to see more of your recipes. :)
Jeena xx
(Jeena's Kitchen)
Hi Jeena,
Thanks for visiting my blog, and I've posted a comment on yours. :)
Hey C,
LOL! Nooooo!
Hi Cris,
Yes, I do. Just because there's a lot more funny ones that can't be posted on this blog. :)
Hi Cynthia,
Hehe! I'm thinking of wearing that for Halloween. LOL!
Hi Daphane,
Ain't that the truth!
Try it, and see if you like it! :)
Hi Jeena,
You're on my fabulous sites now. :)
Cooking recipes to Food Face recipes! **Clap, clap**...hehehe
Wooo...hooo...now there is even a recipe for Food Face!
Hi Judy,
Haha! Don't know if I'll do anymore food face recipes. hehe!
Hi Tigerfish,
Maybe you be Food Face too? hehe!
love your girls V!!! they r so bright n creative!!!! double joy definitely!! :D
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