I usually have this at the Korean restaurants. They serve it as part of many little plates of condoments to go with a korean meal. Today, I made it to go with the korean food party, and it's a quick and easy recipe. Used 1 lb. bean sprouts, and put it in a pot with 2 cups water and 2 tsp salt. Cover with lid and cook for 15-20 mins, or until soften. I remembered my korean friend's adivce: DO NOT OPEN THE LID WHILE THIS IS COOKING OR IT WILL SMELL FISHY. Drain thoroughly and let cool to room temperature. Meantime, mix 2 tbs mushroom flavored soy sauce, 4 tbs sesame oil, 2 tbs Korean chili powder, 2 tsp salt and 1 tsp finely minced garlic. Pour the mixture onto the cooked bean sprouts and mix well using your hands. Serve at room temperature or chilled.
question-are bean sprouts ok to buy non-organic? its so easy to grown your own...but i don't know if its worth the hassle.
Steamy Kitchen,
That's a great question! I am picky with my vegetables, and often seek out organic if available. But I haven't seen organic mung bean sprouts here. It is easy to grow, but my family's doesn't like it, so I just buy them when they look good at the store to cook for company.
Nice hint not to open the lid while cooking, I haven't had bean sprouts for a while, never cooked them though.
Hi Cris,
Cooked bean sprouts are often done in asian cooking, and different regions have their way of doing it. This recipe is easy, and you can adjust the taste to your liking.
I love the simple stir fried bean sprouts. :)
Hi Cooking Ninja,
Me too, and stir-fried bean sprouts with crispy salted fish was what my Penang friend used to make. Yum! :)
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