When a friend visited last weekend, she commented on how long the kids' hair was, and that I should take them to the hairdresser for a haircut. I was surprised as I just took them to the kiddie salon
only four weeks ago. Sure enough, when I look at their
angelic faces, I couldn't see their eyes beyond the bangs
(for those friends in Singapore and Malaysia, it's called fringe, and I don't know why.) Their hair is growing like weeds! And they don't keep their hair barrettes on for long. In my mind, that also equates to two more chores for this week. One for
calling for an appointment, and another for taking the kids. And since I had given up on cutting their hair awhile back, I called for an appointment. So I
woke up early this morning, made some egg muffins, boiled some pasta, made pesto sauce, and got ready before waking the little ones. Since they wouldn't go to bed the night before, it was a strenuous task trying to get them up and moving. There were lots of screaming from the kids and crying from me. Or was it the other way around? After lots of
bribing, I finally had them dressed and seated for breakfast when they proclaimed that they wanted
marshmallows (?) for breakfast. I wasn't going to give in to that, or so I thought. My kids are going to have proper breakfast. Famous last words. They pushed away the eggs muffins and the toast with peanut butter and jelly, opened their mouths and shouted
"Mommy, marshmallow paa-lease!!!" Then one threw her fork onto the floor and cried "Where's the MARSHMALLOW!" Where did these _____ come from, and what happened to my sweet kids??? I prayed for mercy and grace while trying hard not to pull whatever hair I have left out of my head, and served them mini-mashmallows on their Cheerios before I hurried them out of the door 30 minutes later.
Haircut for two kids $39*. One less errand off this mom's list, even better!*Additional hair accessories and tips included.
When we got home, both wanted blueberries for lunch. My mind went on auto-pilot, and I was immediately thinking of blueberry fried rice, blueberry soup or blueberry salad. But I managed to stop myself just in time, remembering the food in the fridge, and talked them into a blueberry dessert if they finished their pesto (one way to get more veggies in them) pasta and tiger prawns (leftover from dinner last night). Before they dug into the pasta, one of them asked innocently "
Mommy! Are you going to take picture?" I truly feel that this concludes their
training as blogger kids!

After 40 mins, they finished the tiger prawns, ate half the pasta, and began chanting "
Blueberry Mommy!"

At this moment, I am trying hard not to run into the bathroom, shut the door and never come out again. I managed to make a quick
blueberry turnover with the ready-made puff pastry and some fresh blueberries in the fridge and had their request/demand on the table in no time.
I remembered when they were two years old and perfect angels, eating almost everything that I cooked with loving care for them. Now that they are one year older, they are beginning to
demand their preference in amazingly loud tones.
Am I in for the terrible threes???
$39 for haircuts?!?!? holy moley!!! Honey, I'd invest in a Flowbee if I were you!
Cutie kids!
LOL! This is so funny!
Come to think of it, I have not booked any appt. for a proper haircut yet, in the US!!! My fringe (that's what I call it) is now....as long as my entire hair-length. :O
And I'm amazed how quick you could "turnover" things - they got their marshmallows and blueberries!!!! WOW! What happened to the egg muffins? ;p
You did so much in a day too! Time I got a haircut and not post so much, right? hahaha!
Dear V,
I used to cut my daughter's hair. Ever since I let the "fringe" grow long, they can pull their hair back and I don't have to cut or take them to the barber.
You have written a very nice story. I read it from the beginning to the end. Your twin girls are adorable and even if they continue to misbehave or whine, you will still love them, right?
Ooooo... you have two lenglui pretty girls! Mama also leng. :)
I don't know about girls because I only have one boy. hehe.... and I didn't have any problems with my son because I'm a tiger mama. He's too terrified to object or protest then. hehehe.... Don't learn from me. I'm bad example.
Your 2 gals are Soooo Adorable. I just love little gals.I have 2 boys. LOL. Your gal asking you whether need to take photo before the food really makes me laugh. I remember I read somewhere from someone's blog that Christain say Grace before their meals. For bloggers, before their food, they will be busy taking out their camera & snapping away. I guess this is really true :) :)
Have fun with your kids.
LOL! That sounds like a good idea! Thanks!
Thanks! You fringe length must be so trendy now. LOL! Good catch on turnover word. I gave put the egg muffins to hubby for breakfast this morning. Post your haircut experience in the US, maybe? ;)
Lee Ping,
Thank you! I should do that, except I couldn't stand the in-between length when it cover their eyes and they won't keep their hair barrettes/hair clips on. You're right, my girls are fun, and I love them! :)
Eastcoast life,
Thanks for dropping by! LOL! Maybe I should be the 'tiger mama' sometimes. ;)
My girls say grace, camera, action!
LOL! Yeah I enjoyed reading this post too! Put a smile on my face, not because you have both hands fulled with your girls, but just the way you wrote it.
I like their cute little hair-do and cute matching outfits! Oh yeah, the pesto noodle and blueberry turnover look yummy too!
Aww.. are those twins? Very cute.
Those prawns looks lovely..
Thanks C! Glad you liked it!
Thanks little mainyacha!
Your twins look so adorable and cute and your pasta with prawns look so yummilicous.
Expensive haircut.
No, not terrible twos. Just having fun with their mum. Hehehe.
The same goes for dresses. Sometimes even more expensive than adults' clothings! If my son grows "horns" and throws his tantrums, I'll show him who is the boss with my spanking spoon. But I always wanted girls more than boys.
Thank you Sue Sue!
Hi Judy,
Yeah, got to find cheaper places or do it myself. And my kids are 'having fun' with mommy alot lately. ;)
Hello Alice,
Yes, having kids are expensive! I just try to disguise their horns with ribbons, ha! Kids will be kids, right?
Expensive haircuts! And aren't those the cutest little girls?
i love reading your post. but lately a little to tight wiz work...sry. Hey shd try keeping those bangs or so called fringe in asia, once they're same as hair length all u do is tie all up in pony tails.
sry about the sticky orange stuff, will be on their way to your table soon and not forgetting some hair accessories for the little princesses of yours now that my hair is cut really short, i probably dont need any barretts or so......hahaha lol.
hi v,
children r cute and adorable. if it's too ex cutting hair in salon, do that yourself, or keep it long enough to be tied up in pony tails. they look great on kids. as for those screeming/yelling n having things their way, that u have to really look into, musn't give in too readily.
agreed wiz cris. but why not keep those hair long, instead. can tie them up in pony tails and/or buns.
they will look cute in them.
Hi Isabella,
Wow! Thanks for your comments! :)
lol...your girls are so sweet-looking. Though they can be a hassle sometimes, but I think they are the most wonderful gifts to mothers in the world, aren;t they? =)
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